














4. kolo

KMR CUP 2025

O pohár ČSOL 2025

Dear IPSC friends,

Let me invite you to the competition
4. kolo - O pohár ČSOL 2025
KMR CUP 2025

SQUAD shooting team

Michaela Šerá (Ředitel závodu), 724525573
Jiří Šerý (Hlavní rozhodčí), 603495715
Jan Toman (Statistik)

email: registrace@squad.cz

Basic info

Date:   20.09.2025
Level:  I.
Stages:  6
Rounds:  min. 140
        Friday match - capacity:  50 competitors
Main match - capacity:  120 competitors
Divisions:   Open, Standard, Production, Classic, Revolver
Categories:  Regular, Lady, Junior, Senior a Super Senior


KMR Cup 2021

Kummer Cup 2022

KMR Cup 2022 je určen pro super juniory a díky sponzorům i zcela zdarma pro děti od 10 do 15 let.

Pro účast dětí v KMR Cup 2021u potřebujeme písemný souhlas zákonného zástupce (rodiče) s účastí a zpracováním osobních údajů !
Prosíme vytisknout, vyplnit, podepsat a vzít sebou na soutěž:
přihláška + souhlas se zprac.osobních údajů pro KMR Cup 2021.PDF
(případně pokud se rodič účastní také, stačí podepsat na místě)


Kummer s.r.o. www.kumm.cz
CB Servis Centrum - Guns Tradewww.guns-trade.cz

Match management

Match Director:Michaela Šerá (CZE)
Range Master:Jiří Šerý (CZE)
Stat Officer:Jan Toman (CZE)
Tajemník:Ivan Novotný (CZE)
Hospodář :Hana Kleinová (CZE)

Time plan

19.09.202511:00 - 16:00Páteční závod
12:00 - 15:30
Morning shift
Afternoon shift
Results publication

Time plan

Entry fee payment:
Registration fee:  40 EUR     [ 900 CZK]
Prepaid entry fee is not refundable. Entry fee is movable to other registered shooter.

Payment of the start fee must be paid no later than the 7th day from the registration. Your registration will be deleted in case of non-payment of the start fee.

Please be so kind and include Reference Number, obtained in registration to every payment.
In case of the entry fee transferred on behalf of more than one person, provide a list of all prepaid competitors and add an exact amount paid on behalf of each shooter on the list to the e-mail.
This information is essential for correct payment recording.

Bank account for foreign shooters
Name and address of recepient: 
IBAN CZ3355000000000503123002 SWIFT (BIC): RZBCCZPP Name of recepient: SQUAD Address of recepient: Ždírec 28, Polná 58813 Banka: Raiffeisenbank a.s., Prague, Czech republic Adresa banky: Praha 4, Hvězdova 1716/2b, PSČ 140 78

Please bring a bank receipt with you to prove that you have paid your entry fees (be ready to provide the said receipt to the registration person at time of registration).

Consent to the processing of personal data

1. You hereby voluntarily consent to the organizer SQUAD, IČ 27019829 (hereinafter referred to as the „Administrator“) to process the following personal data within the meaning of Act No. 101/2000 Coll., On the Protection of Personal Data:
- name and surname
- birthdate
- email address
- telephone number
- Photo of the event

2. Name, surname, date of birth, phone number, e-mail address and photo of the event must be processed:
(a) for the purpose of registering, recording and evaluating the events organized by the Administrator.
b) for marketing purposes of the Administrator, ie in particular the publication of information about the Manager's ongoing activities.

These data will be processed by the Administrator for 5 years from the date of the consent.

3. With the above processing you give your explicit consent and declare that the personal data provided are true. You can accept your consent at any time by sending an email or letter to the Administrator.

4. Personal Data will be handled by the Administrator manually or automatically through its employees or other organizers appointed by the Administrator. For Administrators, data may also be processed by other providers of processing software, services, and applications that are not currently being used by the Administrator.

5. Please note that under the Personal Data Protection Act you have the right to:
- Take your consent at any time,
- ask us for information about the processing of your personal data,
- request an explanation for us regarding the processing of personal data,
- request access to these data with us and update or repair these data,
- require us to erase this personal information,
- In case of doubt about compliance with personal data processing, contact us or the Office for Personal Data Protection.

© Sedina Jiri 2010 & Jan JUMBO Staněk 2020